Partners and Alliances

There are many great organizations working with the Wai‘anae Coast community.  One  is Hoa ‘Aina O Makaha.  Hoa ‘Aina start in 1979 on five acres of abandoned land next to Makaha Elementary School. Now a vibrant farm, Hoa ‘Aina serves as an educational resource center that focuses on supporting families, fostering community self-reliance, and peace-making on the Waiʻanae Coast.  It is a place where school children experience hands-on learning to rediscover the Hawaiian culture, the love for the land, and the love for each other, and for the world.

On May 4th Hoa ‘Aina had their annual open house with the theme “Preparing for Peace” where there were family activities that “fostered peace within ourselves, our families, our community, nature, and throughout the world”.  Ka‘ala was pleased to participate again this year by pounding poi and sharing aloha with the community.  It was a wonderful day, many thanks to Hoa ‘Aina for including Ka‘ala staff in their activities.

Hoa ‘Aina is one of the partners in the WAIʻANAE PLACE-BASED LEARNING AND WELLNESS ALLIANCE (WPLWA) that consists of Wai’anae Coast organizations with a focus on health and education.  Other WPLWA members are Partners in After-School Literacy, Ka‘ala Farm, Malama Learning Center, Wai‘anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center, and MA‘O Farms.  The Alliance works together and supports each other to better the health and learning of all those who live on the Wai‘anae Coast.  It is a pleasure for Ka‘ala to work with these organizations and all of the community!


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