Get Involved

Schedule a Group Visit

Kaʻala Farm is a big property with a deep cultural history and many areas of interest. If you or your organization are interested in arranging a visit of the farm please contact us. Many pre-inquiry questions can be found on our frequently asked questions page.

Internship Program

Are you wanting to make a difference? Do you feel a draw towards learning the land, sea, and Hawaiian culture? Kaʻala Farm is looking to teach the next generation of stewards so that they can pass on the knowledge of old. If you are interested in becoming an intern at Kaʻala, please begin the process by letting us know that you are interested. If you have any additional questions about attending a Kaʻala event please see our frequently asked questions.


There are plenty of ways to help the Kaʻala Farm community as a volunteer. We always have a lot of needs for immediate and long term projects. We realize that you may not be ‘volunteering’ for everything and that’s okay. If you would like to help, please contact us and we can go over what we need vs what you’d like to volunteer for. You’ll be making a huge difference in your contribution toward our community regardless of your commitment level. Any amount of time donated helps. If you are ready to get started please contact us today!

We Need Your Help!

We’re looking to expand the learning spaces at Kaʻala Farm. We’ve added our project blueprint below.

Any contribution that you can make to this effort will go a long way. Monetary donations provided by you and other individuals and organizations will pay for materials, equipment, transportation, technical assistance, and nourishment for the many volunteers involved in building a safe and spiritual place for generations to come.

Mahalo to all who have supported us and Aloha ʻĀina

Kaʻala Farms is a cultural learning center in Waiʻanae, Oʻahu, dedicated to restoring traditional Hawaiian agricultural practices and educating the community on mālama ʻāina (caring for the land). Through hands-on experiences with loʻi kalo (taro terraces) and sustainability programs, it fosters a deep connection to indigenous knowledge, food sovereignty, and cultural heritage.

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