About us

About Us

Mo'olelo: Our History
The origin of Kaʻala Farm stretches back all the way to the Hawaiian Renaissance of the 1970’s. Here you can find a brief history of how Kaʻala Farm came to be what it is today!

Moʻokūʻauhau: Our Genealogy
“I ulu ka lālā i ke kumu.” ~The branches grow because of the trunk.
It is important to us that we pay homage to all the kūpuna who made Kaʻala Farm what it is today. Without them, none of this would have been possible. We are humbled and grateful to be able to walk in their footsteps.
Kaʻala Farms is a cultural learning center in Waiʻanae, Oʻahu, dedicated to restoring traditional Hawaiian agricultural practices and educating the community on mālama ʻāina (caring for the land). Through hands-on experiences with loʻi kalo (taro terraces) and sustainability programs, it fosters a deep connection to indigenous knowledge, food sovereignty, and cultural heritage.
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